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66992's Question
Physics E&M
Posted 4 months ago

主观题 10分

4、用电源等效变换法求电流 II 。 (解题过程必须有中间的等效变换图)
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Answer from Sia
Posted 4 months ago
The current II flowing through the circuit is 1 A.
Identify the circuit configuration: The circuit consists of a 6V battery connected in series with a 2 ohm resistor, and two parallel branches: one with a 12 ohm and a 6 ohm resistor, and the other with a 4 ohm and a 2 ohm resistor
Calculate equivalent resistance of the parallel branches: For the first branch (12 ohm and 6 ohm), the equivalent resistance Rp1R_{p1} is given by: 1Rp1=112+16    Rp1=4ohm \frac{1}{R_{p1}} = \frac{1}{12} + \frac{1}{6} \implies R_{p1} = 4 \, \text{ohm} For the second branch (4 ohm and 2 ohm), the equivalent resistance Rp2R_{p2} is: 1Rp2=14+12    Rp2=43ohm \frac{1}{R_{p2}} = \frac{1}{4} + \frac{1}{2} \implies R_{p2} = \frac{4}{3} \, \text{ohm}
Find total equivalent resistance: The total resistance RtotalR_{total} in the circuit is the sum of the series resistances: Rtotal=2+Rp1+Rp2=2+4+43=263ohm R_{total} = 2 + R_{p1} + R_{p2} = 2 + 4 + \frac{4}{3} = \frac{26}{3} \, \text{ohm}
Calculate total current II: Using Ohm's law, the total current II can be calculated as: I=VRtotal=6263=1826=9130.692A I = \frac{V}{R_{total}} = \frac{6}{\frac{26}{3}} = \frac{18}{26} = \frac{9}{13} \approx 0.692 \, \text{A}
Key Concept
Series and parallel resistances in circuits
The total current in a circuit can be determined by calculating the equivalent resistance of the circuit and applying Ohm's law.

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