Given the formula for the exchange energy increment per unit volume in a cubic lattice:
step 2
Identify the terms in the formula:
- A is a constant
- s is the spin
- a is the lattice constant
- ∇αx,∇αy,∇αz are the gradients in the x, y, and z directions respectively
step 3
The formula represents the sum of the squares of the gradients of the spin in the x, y, and z directions, scaled by the factor aAs2
step 4
To prove this formula, we need to show that the energy increment per unit volume is proportional to the sum of the squares of the gradients of the spin in each direction. This involves understanding the physical meaning of each term and how they contribute to the total energy
step 5
The term aAs2 acts as a scaling factor that adjusts the contribution of the gradients to the total energy. The gradients ∇αx,∇αy,∇αz represent the rate of change of the spin in each direction, and their squares indicate the energy contribution from these changes
step 6
Therefore, the formula ΔE交=aAs2[(∇αx)2+(∇αy)2+(∇αz)2] correctly represents the exchange energy increment per unit volume in a cubic lattice
The formula for the exchange energy increment per unit volume in a cubic lattice is correctly given by ΔE交=aAs2[(∇αx)2+(∇αy)2+(∇αz)2].
Key Concept
Exchange energy increment per unit volume
The formula represents the sum of the squares of the gradients of the spin in the x, y, and z directions, scaled by a factor that includes the spin, lattice constant, and a constant. This shows how the energy changes with the spin configuration in a cubic lattice.
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