{'context': '[{\'Student\': \'my name is 12345678901, and I am currently at College (Sophomore - Junior)\', \'Sia\': \'nice to meet you!\'}, {\'Student\': \'\\n1 It is given that\\n\\\\[\\n\\\\p + \\\\q + \\\\r = 6, \\\\quad \\\\p^{2} + \\\\q^{2} + \\\\r^{2} = 14, \\\\quad \\\\p^{3} + \\\\q^{3} + \\\\r^{3} = 36\\n\\\\]\\n\\nThe cubic equation $x^{3}+m x^{2}+n x+p=0$ has roots $\\\\p, \\\\q, \\\\r$.\\nFind the values of $m, n$, and $p$.\', \'Sia\': " step 1 ⋮ We know that the roots of the cubic equation $x^{3}+m x^{2}+n x+p=0$ are $\\\\p, \\\\q, \\\\r$. By Vieta's formulas, we have: $m = -(\p + \q + \r)$, $n = \p\q + \q\r + \r\p$, and $p = -\p\q\r$. step 2 ⋮ From the given information, we can find the values for each coefficient. how to calculate ...?}]', 'question': ''}
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