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Posted 9 months ago
 If the ancestral form for a particular lineage was aquatic and used gills for respiration, what changes would you expect to see in a terrestrial descendant?
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Answer from Sia
Posted 9 months ago
Evolution of respiratory structures and other adaptations for terrestrial life
Development of lungs: The terrestrial descendant would likely evolve lungs to extract oxygen from the air
Changes in the circulatory system: The circulatory system would adapt to transport oxygen more efficiently in a terrestrial environment
Structural support and locomotion: The organism might develop stronger limbs and skeletal structures to support its body weight against gravity
Desiccation resistance: Adaptations to prevent water loss, such as waxy skin coatings or more efficient kidney function, would be necessary
Key Concept
Terrestrial adaptation from aquatic ancestry
Terrestrial descendants of aquatic ancestors would need to develop adaptations for respiration, support, locomotion, and desiccation resistance to survive on land.

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