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Posted 4 months ago

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Answer from Sia
Posted 4 months ago
Identify the given molecules: For question 1, we need to look at the structures of the molecules provided in the image to understand where the resonance can occur
Draw resonance structures: Resonance structures are drawn by moving electrons within a molecule without changing the position of the atoms. This typically involves moving lone pairs or pi electrons to form different arrangements of double bonds and lone pairs
1 Answer
[Resonance structures for the given molecules]
Key Concept
Resonance structures
Resonance structures represent different forms of a molecule where the chemical connectivity is the same but the distribution of electrons is different.
Identify the given molecules: For question 2, we again need to look at the structures of the molecules provided in the image to understand where the resonance can occur
Write appropriate resonance structures: Similar to question 1, we move electrons to show different resonance forms, ensuring that the octet rule is not violated and that the structures are valid Lewis structures
2 Answer
[Resonance structures for the provided molecules]
Key Concept
Resonance structures
Resonance structures are a way to depict the delocalization of electrons within a molecule, which can stabilize the molecule.
Identify electron movement: For question 3, we need to identify the correct placement of arrows that show the movement of electrons from one resonance structure to another
Draw the arrows: The arrows should start from a pair of electrons (either a lone pair or a pi bond) and point towards where the electrons are moving to, such as an adjacent atom or bond
3 Answer
[Placement of arrows indicating electron movement]
Key Concept
Electron movement in resonance
The arrows in resonance structures show the movement of electrons and help in visualizing the different possible structures that contribute to the overall resonance hybrid.
Identify the organic compound: For question 4, we need to examine the structure of the given organic compound to determine its IUPAC name
Apply IUPAC nomenclature rules: The IUPAC name is determined by identifying the longest carbon chain, the substituents, and the functional groups, and then assembling the name according to IUPAC rules
4 Answer
[IUPAC name of the given organic compound]
Key Concept
IUPAC nomenclature
The IUPAC name provides a systematic way to name organic compounds based on the structure of the molecule, ensuring that each compound has a unique and universally understood name.

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