1. Answer ALL parts (a) - (c).
(a) Answer BOTH parts (i) and (ii)
(i) Predict the major product of the reaction shown below. Include in your answer a mechanism and account for any stereoselectivity you propose.
(4 marks)
(ii) Consider the scheme below.
- Provide a clear conformational drawing of the starting material for step 1
- Propose a structure for compound , clearly showing any stereochemistry.
- Provide a mechanism for step 2 which accounts for the proposed structure of .
( 7 marks)
(b) Answer BOTH parts (i) and (ii)
(i) Predict the major product of the reaction shown below. Include in your answer a mechanism, and account for any stereoselectivity you propose.
( 6 marks)
(ii) Predict the major product of the reaction shown below and account for any
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