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Computer Science
Posted 5 months ago
 Choose a programming language that is not in the top 
 of the TIOBE study and not in your textbook. a
 Give a brief description of the language. b
 Explain what application it is best used for. c
 Who invented and when? d
 Is it compiled or interpreted?
 What are the steps in compilation?
 What is a symbol table used for?
 What does an interpreter do
 Which languages are descendants of C? Name 5.
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Answer from Sia
Posted 5 months ago
For question 1, I will choose the programming language Elixir
Description: Elixir is a functional, concurrent, general-purpose programming language that runs on the Erlang virtual machine (BEAM). It is designed for building scalable and maintainable applications
Application: Elixir is best used for developing distributed, fault-tolerant systems, such as web applications and telecommunications systems
Inventor and Date: Elixir was created by José Valim in 2011
Compilation or Interpretation: Elixir is a compiled language; its code is compiled to bytecode for the Erlang virtual machine
For question 2, the steps in compilation are:
Preprocessing: The preprocessor handles directives like #include and #define, expanding them where necessary
Lexical Analysis: The source code is broken down into tokens
Syntax Analysis: Tokens are organized into a parse tree according to the grammar of the language
Semantic Analysis: The parse tree is checked for semantic consistency with the language's rules
Intermediate Code Generation: The compiler generates an intermediate representation of the source code
Optimization: The intermediate code is optimized for performance improvements
Code Generation: The optimized intermediate code is translated into the target machine language
Linking: The generated machine code is linked with other code libraries to create the final executable
For question 3, the purpose of a symbol table is:
Storage: It stores information about identifiers, such as variables, functions, classes, and objects
Scope Resolution: It helps in managing the scope of identifiers to determine where they are accessible in the code
Type Checking: It assists in type checking by keeping track of the data types of identifiers
For question 4, an interpreter does the following:
Translation: It translates high-level programming language code into machine code
Execution: It executes the program directly, without producing an intermediate compiled program
Runtime Evaluation: It evaluates expressions and statements in the program at runtime
For question 5, five languages that are descendants of C are:
C++: An extension of C with object-oriented features
Objective-C: A reflective, object-oriented language that adds Smalltalk-style messaging to C
C#: A language developed by Microsoft that combines principles from C and C++
Java: A language that was influenced by C++ but designed for cross-platform compatibility
JavaScript: Although not directly descended from C, it has C-like syntax and was influenced by C

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