1. The management of Aton plc is considering next year's production and purchase budgets.
One of the components produced by the company, which is incorporated into another product before being sold, has a budgeted manufacturing cost as follows:
& \\
\hline Direct material & 14 \\
Direct labour (4 hours at per hour) & 48 \\
Variable overhead (4 hours at per hour) & 8 \\
Fixed overhead (4 hours at per hour) & 20 \\
Total cost & 90 per unit
TBK plc has offered to supply the above component at a guaranteed price.
(a) Considering cost criteria only, advise management whether the above component should be purchased from TBK plc. Any calculations should be clearly shown. Any assumptions made, or aspects which may require further investigation, should also be clearly stated.
(3 marks)
(b) Explain how your above advice would be affected by each of the two separate situations shown below.
(i) As a result of recent government legislation if Aton plc continues to manufacture this component the company will incur additional inspection and testing expenses of per annum, which are not included in the above budgeted manufacturing costs.
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