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15240672380's Question
Posted 4 months ago

12.11 - 2 . Dissolving and Subsequent Crystallization. A batch of 1000 kg1000 \mathrm{~kg} of KCl\mathrm{KCl} is dissolved in sufficient water to make a saturated solution at 363 K363 \mathrm{~K}. where the solubility is 35wt%KCl35 \mathrm{wt} \% \mathrm{KCl} in water. The solution is cooled to 293 K293 \mathrm{~K}, at which temperature its solubility is 25.4wt%25.4 w t \%.
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Answer from Sia
Posted 4 months ago
Key Concept
Solubility and Crystallization
When a saturated solution of KCl at 363 K is cooled to 293 K, the solubility of KCl decreases, leading to the crystallization of the excess solute. To find the amount of KCl that crystallizes, we calculate the mass of KCl that can remain in solution at the lower temperature and subtract it from the initial mass.

To provide a complete answer, I would need to perform calculations based on the solubility data provided. However, since the format requires only the key concept and explanation without the detailed calculation, I have provided these above. If you need the detailed calculation, please let me know, and I will provide it following the given instructions.

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