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World History
Posted 9 months ago
13. Why do you think most enslaved people were unable to read or write?
in during the Civil War?
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Answer from Sia
Posted 9 months ago
Most enslaved people were unable to read or write because slaveholders systematically denied them access to education in order to maintain control and prevent uprisings.
Key Concept
Education as a means of control
During the period leading up to and including the Civil War, it was common practice for slaveholders to prohibit the education of enslaved people. This was a deliberate strategy to maintain power and prevent slaves from organizing or rebelling. Literacy was seen as a threat to the institution of slavery because it could lead to greater awareness and communication among the enslaved population, potentially fostering resistance. In many Southern states, laws were enacted to make it illegal to teach enslaved individuals to read or write. As a result, the majority of enslaved people remained illiterate, which further entrenched their subjugation and the social hierarchy of the time.

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