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World History
Posted 4 months ago
14. Identify Supporting Details How did religious and ethnic diversity
contribute to discrimination against immigrants and African Americans in the
North? Use evidence from the text to support your answer.
ethnic diversity contribute to discrimination beacuse
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Answer from Sia
Posted 4 months ago
Religious and ethnic diversity contributed to discrimination against immigrants and African Americans in the North as these groups were often seen as outsiders and were blamed for economic competition, cultural differences, and social problems.
Key Concept
Discrimination based on religious and ethnic diversity
In the North, particularly during the 19th and early 20th centuries, waves of immigrants from various parts of the world arrived in the United States. These immigrants often practiced different religions and had different cultural practices from the Protestant majority. African Americans, although not immigrants, were a distinct ethnic group that faced systemic racism. The presence of these diverse groups sometimes led to xenophobia and racism, which manifested in discriminatory practices and policies. For example, Irish Catholics faced prejudice for their religion and were stereotyped as being poor and prone to violence. African Americans faced segregation and limited economic opportunities. These prejudices were often fueled by fears that immigrants and African Americans were taking jobs from native-born white Americans or were responsible for crime and other social issues. This discrimination was evident in various aspects of society, including employment, housing, and education.

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