17 Several e.m.f.s, resistors and a switch, , are connected as shown in the circuit diagram below.
and show the current flow in the circuit. Determine the value of
(a) when is opened
(b) when is closed
18 (a) Three identical capacitors are connected to an e.m.f., , as shown in the circuit diagram below.
(i) Derive an expression for the effective capacitance in terms of .
(ii) Determine the total energy stored in terms of and .
(b) A fully charged parallel plate capacitor of capacitance , a variable resistor, , and 'a switch, , are connected as shown in the circuit diagram below.
(i) When is closed, the charge reduces to half in time of 3.0 ms . Determine the resistance of .
(ii) If a material of dielectric constant 4.2 is inserted in between the plates, determine the time constant.
(c) Describe the effect of dielectric on the capacitance when a capacitor is connected to a potential difference.
Sure, let's break down the questions one by one.
Question 1:
Determine the value of :
(a) when is opened
(b) when is closed
# Answer:
For part (a):
For part (b):
# Explanation:
Question 2:
(a) Three identical capacitors are connected to an e.m.f., :
(i) Derive an expression for the effective capacitance in terms of .
(ii) Determine the total energy stored in terms of and .
# Answer:
For part (i):
For part (ii):
# Explanation:
Question 3:
(b) A fully charged parallel plate capacitor of capacitance , a variable resistor, , and a switch, :
(i) When is closed, the charge reduces to half in time of 3.0 ms. Determine the resistance of .
(ii) If a material of dielectric constant 4.2 is inserted in between the plates, determine the time constant.
# Answer:
For part (i):
For part (ii):
# Explanation:
Question 4:
(c) Describe the effect of dielectric on the capacitance when a capacitor is connected to a potential difference.
# Answer:
# Explanation:
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