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t15919921970's Question
Posted 11 months ago
1.Find simple rules or formulas that define at least two different sequences that begin with the terms 3,5,7. Can you give recursive and non-recursive definitions for these sequences? 

2.Use a loop invariant to prove that the following program segment, for computing the nth power of a real number x is correct (n greater or equal than 1n greater or equal than 1):

power: = 1

i:= 1

while i less or equal than ni less or equal than n

  power := power * x

 i : = i + 1
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Answer from Sia
Posted 11 months ago
Solution by Steps
step 1
Identify the given sequence and determine the pattern. The sequence begins with 3, 5, 7
step 2
For the first sequence, we can define a simple rule where each term is 2 more than the previous term. This is an arithmetic sequence
step 3
The non-recursive formula for the first sequence is an=2n+1a_n = 2n + 1, where nn starts at 1
step 4
The recursive formula for the first sequence is a1=3a_1 = 3 and an+1=an+2a_{n+1} = a_n + 2 for n1n \geq 1
step 5
For the second sequence, we can define a rule where each term is the previous term multiplied by a constant. Let's choose the constant to be 1.5 for this example
step 6
The non-recursive formula for the second sequence is an=3(1.5)n1a_n = 3 \cdot (1.5)^{n-1}
step 7
The recursive formula for the second sequence is a1=3a_1 = 3 and an+1=1.5ana_{n+1} = 1.5 \cdot a_n for n1n \geq 1
First sequence non-recursive: an=2n+1a_n = 2n + 1, recursive: a1=3a_1 = 3, an+1=an+2a_{n+1} = a_n + 2. Second sequence non-recursive: an=3(1.5)n1a_n = 3 \cdot (1.5)^{n-1}, recursive: a1=3a_1 = 3, an+1=1.5ana_{n+1} = 1.5 \cdot a_n.
Key Concept
Arithmetic and Geometric Sequences
The first sequence is arithmetic with a common difference of 2. The second sequence is geometric with a common ratio of 1.5.
Solution by Steps
step 1
Understand the program segment and identify the loop invariant to be used for the proof
step 2
Define the loop invariant: At the start of each iteration of the while loop, power=xi1power = x^{i-1}
step 3
Initialization: Before the loop starts, i=1i=1 and power=1power=1, which is consistent with the loop invariant since power=x11=x0=1power = x^{1-1} = x^0 = 1
step 4
Maintenance: Assume the loop invariant holds at the start of an arbitrary iteration, i.e., power=xi1power = x^{i-1}. After executing the body of the loop, powerpower is updated to powerxpower \cdot x, which is xi1x=xix^{i-1} \cdot x = x^i. Incrementing ii by 1 maintains the invariant
step 5
Termination: The loop terminates when i>ni > n. At this point, the loop invariant gives us power=xi1=xnpower = x^{i-1} = x^n, which is the correct final value
The program segment correctly computes xnx^n for n1n \geq 1.
Key Concept
Loop Invariant
The loop invariant helps prove the correctness of a loop. It must hold true before the loop starts (initialization), remain true before each iteration (maintenance), and upon loop termination, it should provide a useful property that helps to show the loop's correctness (termination).

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