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3328820167's Question
Posted 8 months ago

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Homework 1_modified.pdf
Homework \#1
1. Classify each of the structures as statically determinate, statically indeterminate, or unstable. If indeterminate, specify the degree of indeterminacy. The supports or connections are to be assumed as stated.
2. Specify the degree of indeterminacy for each of the structures. All internal joints are fixed connected.
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3. Determine the reactions on the beam.
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3. Determine the reactions on the beam.
4. Compute all reactions at A,B\mathrm{A}, \mathrm{B} and C .
5. Use method of joint to determine the force in each member of the truss. Indicate if the members are in tension or compression. Assume all members are pin connected.

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Answer from Sia
Posted 8 months ago
Solution by Steps
step 1
To classify the structures as statically determinate, statically indeterminate, or unstable, we need to analyze the supports and connections
step 2
For structure (a), count the number of reactions and compare it to the number of equilibrium equations
step 3
For structure (b), do the same analysis as in step 2
step 4
For structure (c), repeat the analysis
step 5
To specify the degree of indeterminacy, use the formula: Degree of Indeterminacy = Number of Reactions - Number of Equilibrium Equations
step 6
For the beam in question 3, use the equilibrium equations to determine the reactions at the supports
step 7
For the structure in question 4, compute all reactions at points A, B, and C using the equilibrium equations
step 8
For the truss in question 5, use the method of joints to determine the force in each member and indicate if the members are in tension or compression
The structures are classified and the degree of indeterminacy is specified. The reactions on the beam and the forces in the truss members are determined.
Key Concept
Static Equilibrium
Static equilibrium involves analyzing the forces and moments acting on a structure to determine if it is in a state of balance.

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