Figure 1 shows apparatus used to determine the wavelength of laser light using Young's double-slit method.
Figure 1
(a) Figure 2 shows the actual size of part of the interference fringe pattern seen on the screen.
Figure 2
actual size
Determine, in , an accurate measurement for the fringe spacing .
(b) Calculate the percentage uncertainty in your value for .
percentage uncertainty
(c) The distance between the slits is with an uncertainty of . The distance from the slits to the screen is with an uncertainty of . Calculate, in , the wavelength of the laser light.
(d) Calculate the absolute uncertainty in your value for the wavelength.
absolute uncertainty
(Total 9 marks)
An interference pattern is produced using monochromatic light from two coherent sources. The separation of the two sources is and the fringe separation is . The interference pattern is observed on a screen that is from the sources.
(a) Calculate the wavelength of the light used to produce the interference pattern.
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