3) Medicinal "ether" is produced when ethyl alcohol is treated with an acid. How many grams of medicinal "ether" (C، would you produce with of ethyl alcohol if the percent yield is ?
4) sample of hydrogen peroxide decomposes to form water and oxygen. The temperature and pressures conditions in the lab were 21.2 eC and 761.4 torr, respectively. The oxygen gas is collected over a sample of water at ; the vapor pressure of water at that temperature is . When the water level inside and outside of the tube is equal the volume of of gas is recurded as 176.23 .
a) Write and balance the equation for the decomposition reaction
b) What is the partial pressure of the oxygen gas?
c) How many moles of oxygen gas were produced?
d) What was the mass of hydrogen peroxide that reacted?
c) What is the percent by mass of the hydrogen peroxide from the original sample?
5) A sample of potassium carbonate solution is added to of a barium nitrate solution. What is the concentration of the excess metal ion after the precipitation reaction is complete?
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