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青州's Question
Posted 10 months ago

3. a. The reaction sequence shown in Figure 4 demonstrates the synthesis of a disubstituted benzene derivative O\mathbf{O} from compound M\mathbf{M} through two Electrophilic Aromatic Substitution reactions.
(i) Draw the chemical structure of compound M\mathbf{M}.
[2 marks]
(ii) Draw the mechanism for the transformation of compound M\mathbf{M} to intermediate N\mathrm{N} using curly arrows.
[6 marks]
(iii) Draw the chemical structure of compound O\boldsymbol{O}.
[2 marks]
(iv) Draw the mechanism for the transformation of intermediate N\mathrm{N} to compound O\mathrm{O} using curly arrows.
[6 marks]
(v) Account for the regiochemical outcome observed in compound O\mathbf{O}.
[4 marks]
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Answer from Sia
Posted 10 months ago
Draw the chemical structure of compound $M$: Compound MM is given as C6H5ClC_6H_5Cl, which is chlorobenzene. The structure is a benzene ring with a chlorine atom attached to one of the carbon atoms
Draw the mechanism for the transformation of compound $M$ to intermediate $N$ using curly arrows: The reaction of chlorobenzene (MM) with AlCl3AlCl_3 is an example of an electrophilic aromatic substitution (EAS) reaction. The AlCl3AlCl_3 acts as a Lewis acid, facilitating the formation of the electrophile Cl+Cl^+. The mechanism involves the following steps: 1. Formation of the electrophile: AlCl3AlCl_3 reacts with Cl2Cl_2 to form Cl+Cl^+ and AlCl4AlCl_4^-. 2. The benzene ring donates a pair of π\pi electrons to the Cl+Cl^+, forming a sigma complex (arenium ion). 3. The AlCl4AlCl_4^- abstracts a proton from the sigma complex, restoring the aromaticity and forming the product NN (chlorobenzene)
Draw the chemical structure of compound $O$: Compound OO is given as C6H4ClNO3C_6H_4ClNO_3, which is a benzene ring with a chlorine atom and a nitro group (NO2NO_2) attached. The structure is a benzene ring with a chlorine atom at one position and a nitro group at another position
Draw the mechanism for the transformation of intermediate $N$ to compound $O$ using curly arrows: The reaction of chlorobenzene (NN) with HNO3HNO_3 and H2SO4H_2SO_4 is another example of an electrophilic aromatic substitution (EAS) reaction. The H2SO4H_2SO_4 acts as a catalyst, facilitating the formation of the electrophile NO2+NO_2^+. The mechanism involves the following steps: 1. Formation of the electrophile: HNO3HNO_3 reacts with H2SO4H_2SO_4 to form NO2+NO_2^+ and HSO4HSO_4^-. 2. The benzene ring donates a pair of π\pi electrons to the NO2+NO_2^+, forming a sigma complex (arenium ion). 3. The HSO4HSO_4^- abstracts a proton from the sigma complex, restoring the aromaticity and forming the product OO (chloronitrobenzene)
Account for the regiochemical outcome observed in compound $O$: The regiochemistry of the nitration of chlorobenzene is influenced by the electron-withdrawing nature of the chlorine substituent. Chlorine is an ortho/para-directing group due to its lone pairs, which can donate electron density through resonance. However, it is also an electron-withdrawing group through induction. The net effect is that nitration occurs preferentially at the ortho and para positions relative to the chlorine substituent. In this case, the product OO is likely to be a mixture of ortho- and para-chloronitrobenzene, with the para product being more predominant due to steric hindrance at the ortho position
The chemical structures and mechanisms for the transformations of compounds MM to NN and NN to OO involve electrophilic aromatic substitution reactions, with the regiochemistry influenced by the substituents on the benzene ring.
Key Concept
Electrophilic Aromatic Substitution (EAS)
EAS reactions involve the substitution of a hydrogen atom on an aromatic ring with an electrophile. The regiochemistry of the substitution is influenced by the nature of the substituents already present on the ring.

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