33. PolarizationinMRlis:
a) magnetizationoftheRFpulsetips awayfromB0
b) slowlyreturn ofthemagnetization to alignment withB0, causingsignal decay
c) rotationoftheexcitedmagnetizationaboutB0
d) thealignmentofprotonsinexternalmagnetic field(B0) tocreatemagnetization
e) tuningofthemagnetizationinducedcurrent (signal)in coilcloseto object
Sure, let's analyze the given question about MRI polarization.
33. Polarization in MRI is:
a) magnetization of the RF pulse tips away from B0
b) slowly return of the magnetization to alignment with B0, causing signal decay
c) rotation of the excited magnetization about B0
d) the alignment of protons in external magnetic field (B0) to create magnetization
e) tuning of the magnetization induced current (signal) in coil close to object
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