(a) In chemical reaction kinetics, state what is meant by
(i) rate of reaction
(ii) reaction order
(iii) rate constant
Illustrate your answer by referring to the general gas phase reaction
(b) Briefly, giving the relevant mathematical detail, describe two experimental methods for determining rate laws
(c) Cyclopropane isomerizes into propene when heated to in the gas phase. The extent of conversion for various initial pressures has been followed by allowing the reaction to proceed for a given time and then recording the final partial pressure of cyclopropane. The experimental data collected are:
& 20000 & 20000 & 30000 & 30000 & 50000 & 50000 \\
& 100 & 200 & 100 & 200 & 100 & 200 \\
& 18650 & 17300 & 27800 & 26000 & 46550 & 43300
(i) Using the data above, calculate the fractional conversion in each case and hence find the order of reaction with respect to cyclopropane.
(ii) What is the rate constant for the reaction under these conditions?
(iii) If you had data at a different temperature, how would you find the parameters in the Arrhenius expression for the rate constant?
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