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Posted 10 months ago

(4 pts) Researchers sometimes remove the cell walls of living bacteria so that DNA can more easily be introduced into the wall - less cell that results. For example, protoplasts can be made by incubating gram
- positive bacteria with lysozyme in an isotonic solution.

Could lysozyme treatment be used to remove the cell wall of Nocardia species?
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Answer from Sia
Posted 10 months ago
Nocardia species are gram-positive bacteria with a unique cell wall structure that contains mycolic acids, making them partially acid-fast
Lysozyme is an enzyme that targets the peptidoglycan layer of bacterial cell walls, which is effective in gram-positive bacteria
However, the presence of mycolic acids in Nocardia species provides additional resistance to lysozyme treatment, making it ineffective for removing their cell walls
Key Concept
Lysozyme treatment and bacterial cell wall structure
Lysozyme is effective against the peptidoglycan layer of gram-positive bacteria, but Nocardia species have mycolic acids that provide resistance, making lysozyme treatment ineffective for removing their cell walls.

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