A boutique hotel has only 40 rooms. Records indicate that the occupancy rate is 94% a. What is the probability that on any given night all 40 rooms are occupied?
b. What is the probability that less than 35 rooms are occupied?
c. What is the probability that between 33 and 38 rooms are occupied (inclusive)?
d. Because of regular cancellations, many hotels in other countries adopt an overbooking strategy (note this
is not legal in Australia). This is a risky process as it may result in customers who have booked not having
a room which requires the hotel to re-book them at other hotels nearby and can lead to both financial and
reputational loss.
This hotels manager is convinced the reason occupancy is not 100% is because of cancellations. As such,
she is considering adopting an overbooking strategy. If she was to adopt a strategy of booking 42 rooms
per night, what is the probability that she would end up having customers who had booked, but for whom
she has no room? Show all working.
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