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Posted 6 months ago

A change has occurred in the market shown in this graph.

What happens to consumer surplus and producer surplus when demand changes as shown in this graph?

Choose 1 answer:
(A) Consumer surplus decreases, producer surplus doesn't change
(B) Consumer surplus increases; producer surplus doesn't change.
(C) Consumer surplus decreases; producer surplus decreases
(D) Consumer surplus increases; producer surplus increases.
(E) Consumer surplus decreases; producer surplus increases
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Answer from Sia
Posted 6 months ago
Solution by Steps
step 1
To analyze the impact on consumer surplus and producer surplus, we need to understand the areas on the graph that these surpluses represent. Consumer surplus is the area between the demand curve and the price level up to the quantity demanded. Producer surplus is the area between the supply curve and the price level up to the quantity supplied
step 2
When the demand decreases from D1 to D2, the equilibrium price falls from 90to90 to 70, and the equilibrium quantity falls from 40 units to 30 units. This results in a reduction of the area representing consumer surplus, as consumers are now paying a lower price for a lower quantity
step 3
The decrease in demand also results in a lower quantity being sold, which means that the area representing producer surplus also decreases because producers are selling less quantity at a lower price
step 4
Therefore, both consumer surplus and producer surplus decrease when the demand curve shifts from D1 to D2
Key Concept
Impact of a decrease in demand on consumer and producer surplus
A decrease in demand leads to a lower equilibrium price and quantity, which reduces both consumer surplus (as they buy less for a lower price) and producer surplus (as they sell less at a lower price).

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