A geneticist was curious about the relationship between gender and dominant hand. They surveyed a random sample of 500 people. Here is a summary of the responses and the results from a chi-squared test:
Chi-square test: Dominant hand vs. gender
& Men & Women \\
\hline Right & 207 & 227 \\
Expected & 208.32 & 225.68 \\
Left & 21 & 27 \\
Expected & 23.04 & 24.96 \\
Ambidextrous & 12 & 6 \\
Expected & 8.64 & 9.36
Assume that all conditions for inference were met.
At the significance level, what is the most appropriate conclusion to draw from this test?
Choose 1 answer:
(A) This is convincing evidence that the distribution of dominant hand differs between the genders.
(B) This isn't enough evidence to say that the distribution of dominant hand differs between the genders.
(C) This is convincing evidence that dominant hand and gender are not independent.
(D) They lack evidence to say that dominant hand and gender are not independent.
(E) Gender causes people to be more likely to be left- or right-handed.
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