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Computer Science
Posted 8 months ago

A mathematician develops a program to solve systems of linear equations.
When they use distributed computing techniques to run the program on
two computers in parallel, they find a speedup of 2.
In this case, what does a speedup of 2 indicate?
Choose 1 answer:
The program completed in twice the time with two computers
versus one computer.
The program completed in half the time with two computers
versus one computer.
The program completed in two minutes more time with two
computers versus one computer.
The program completed in two minutes less time with two
computers versus one computer.
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Answer from Sia
Posted 8 months ago
Key Concept
Speedup in distributed computing
A speedup of 2 indicates that the program completed in half the time with two computers compared to one computer. This means the execution time is reduced by a factor of 2 when using two computers in parallel.

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