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Posted 5 months ago

A novel compound X\mathrm{X} is synthesized, which exhibits an unusual electronic configuration. In its ground state, compound XX has a total of 20 electrons and is found to have paramagnetic properties. It has a tetrahedral molecular geometry and demonstrates considerable stability in inert conditions. Given these properties, which of the following best describes the electronic configuration and bonding in compound X? Options: a) It has an expanded octet with sp3d2 hybridization. b) It follows the 18 -electron rule with sp3 hybridization. c) It has a pseudo-noble gas configuration with sp3\mathrm{sp} 3 hybridization. d) It violates the octet rule with sp3 hybridization and unpaired electrons.
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Answer from Sia
Posted 5 months ago
Key Concept
Paramagnetism and electron count
Paramagnetism indicates unpaired electrons, which suggests that compound X does not have a completely filled valence shell. With 20 electrons and tetrahedral geometry, the compound likely has sp3 hybridization, which typically involves 8 valence electrons, thus violating the octet rule.

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