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Computer Science
Posted 4 months ago

A "red light camera" is a camera installed at street intersections that
records whenever a car runs a red light.
The camera records two images, one right before the car enters the
intersection, and one after it's entered the intersection.
In addition to the images, it records metadata about the incident: the date
and time, the intersection location, the speed of the car, and the seconds
elapsed past the light turning red.
Which of these questions can be better answered by analyzing the
metadata instead of the image data?
Note that there are 2 answers to this question.
Choose 2 answers:
What is the average speed of a car when it runs a red light?
Which intersections have the greatest number of red light
What car models are most associated with running red lights?
What is the frequency of pedestrians in or near the intersection
during an incident?
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Answer from Sia
Posted 4 months ago
For the question about which questions can be better answered by analyzing the metadata instead of the image data, the correct answers are:

Key Concept
Metadata Analysis
Metadata such as speed, date, time, and location can provide quantitative data that is more suitable for statistical analysis, such as determining the average speed of cars running red lights and identifying intersections with the highest number of incidents.

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