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Posted 4 months ago

A school sells pizza slices at the concession stand during each sporting event. The school sells a mean of 200 slices per event with a standard deviation of 25 slices.

The school spends $160\$ 160 of fixed costs to buy the pizza before the event and earns a revenue of $2\$ 2 per slice. They calculate their profit per event according to this formula:
 profit =[ total revenue ][ total costs ]
\text { profit }=[\text { total revenue }]-[\text { total costs }]

What will be the mean and standard deviation of the distribution of profit per event?

Choose 1 answer:
(A) Mean: $80\$ 80
Standard deviation: $50\$ 50
(B) Mean: $80\$ 80
Standard deviation: $110\$ 110
(c) Mean: $240\$ 240
Standard deviation: $50\$ 50
(D) Mean: $240\$ 240
Standard deviation: $110\$ 110
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Answer from Sia
Posted 4 months ago
Solution by Steps
step 2
Calculate the standard deviation of the profit: The standard deviation of the number of slices sold is 25, and since the revenue per slice is 2,thestandarddeviationoftherevenueis2, the standard deviation of the revenue is 2 \times 25 = 50.Thefixedcostsdonotaffectthestandarddeviation,sothestandarddeviationoftheprofitisalso50. The fixed costs do not affect the standard deviation, so the standard deviation of the profit is also 50
[question number] Answer
Key Concept
Linear Transformation of Random Variables
When a random variable is multiplied by a constant (revenue per slice), its standard deviation is also multiplied by that constant. The mean of the random variable is affected by both multiplication and addition/subtraction (total revenue and fixed costs), but the standard deviation is not affected by addition/subtraction (fixed costs).

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