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Posted 10 months ago
omg the answer is right !!!!!!
A university’s mathematics department has 10 professors and will offer 20 different courses next semester. Each professor will be assigned to teach exactly 2 of the courses, and each course will have exactly one professor assigned to teach it. If any professor can be assigned to teach any course, how many different complete assignments of the 10 professors to the 20 courses are possible?[ "20!/2^(10)", "10!/2^9", "10^(20) - 2^(10)", "10^(20) - 100" ]
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Answer from Sia
Posted 10 months ago
Solution by Steps
step 1
To find the number of different complete assignments of the 10 professors to the 20 courses, we use the formula for permutations of n n items taken r r at a time, which is nPr=n!(nr)! nPr = \frac{n!}{(n-r)!} . Since each professor is assigned to teach exactly 2 courses, we consider the permutation of 20 courses taken 2 at a time
step 2
The permutation of the first course is 20P2=20!(202)!=20!18! 20P2 = \frac{20!}{(20-2)!} = \frac{20!}{18!} . This gives us the number of ways to assign the first course to a professor
step 3
After assigning the first course, we have 18 courses left. The permutation for the second course is 18P2=18!(182)!=18!16! 18P2 = \frac{18!}{(18-2)!} = \frac{18!}{16!}
step 4
We continue this process until all courses are assigned. The total number of ways to assign all courses is the product of all these permutations: 20P2×18P2××2P2 20P2 \times 18P2 \times \ldots \times 2P2
step 5
This product simplifies to 20!18!×18!16!××2!0!=20! \frac{20!}{18!} \times \frac{18!}{16!} \times \ldots \times \frac{2!}{0!} = 20!
step 6
Since each professor is assigned exactly 2 courses, we must divide by 210 2^{10} to account for the fact that the order of the 2 courses assigned to each professor does not matter
step 7
The final calculation is 20!210 \frac{20!}{2^{10}} . Using the asksia-ll calculation list, we find that this equals 654729075
Key Concept
Permutations and Combinations
The problem is a permutation problem where we assign 20 different courses to 10 professors with each professor teaching exactly 2 courses. The order of assignment matters, but within each pair of courses assigned to a professor, the order does not matter, hence the division by 210 2^{10} .

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