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Posted 5 months ago

A vending machine that serves coffee pours a varying amount of liquid into a cup with varying mass. Assume that the masses of the liquid and the cup are independent.

Here are summary statistics for the masses of the liquid and the cups:
& Mean & Standard deviation \\
\hline Liquid & μL=250 g\mu_{L}=250 \mathrm{~g} & σL=20 g\sigma_{L}=20 \mathrm{~g} \\
Cup & μC=150 g\mu_{C}=150 \mathrm{~g} & σC=10 g\sigma_{C}=10 \mathrm{~g}

Let T=T= the total mass of a randomly selected cup filled with liquid from this machine.

Find the mean of TT.
μT=\mu_{T}= \square grams
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Answer from Sia
Posted 5 months ago
Solution by Steps
step 1
To find the mean of TT, which is the total mass of a randomly selected cup filled with liquid, we need to add the mean mass of the liquid (μL\mu_L) and the mean mass of the cup (μC\mu_C)
step 2
Given that μL=250\mu_L = 250 grams and μC=150\mu_C = 150 grams, we calculate the mean of TT as follows: μT=μL+μC\mu_T = \mu_L + \mu_C
step 3
Substituting the given values into the equation from step 2, we get μT=250 g+150 g\mu_T = 250 \text{ g} + 150 \text{ g}
step 4
Calculating the sum, we find that μT=400 g\mu_T = 400 \text{ g}
μT=400\mu_T = 400 grams
Key Concept
Mean of Independent Random Variables
The mean of the total mass TT is the sum of the means of the independent masses of the liquid and the cup.

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