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Posted 5 months ago

A woman was accused of killing someone in her town due to a blood type match. The blood type is a rare variant that is present only in 0.1%0.1 \% of the entire population. If the population of her town is 5,000 , what are the chances that she is the killer?

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Answer from Sia
Posted 5 months ago
Key Concept
Probability Calculation
The probability of the woman being the killer based on the blood type match is calculated by considering the rarity of the blood type in the population. Since the blood type is present in 0.1%0.1\% of the population and the town has 5,000 people, the expected number of people with this blood type is 0.1%×5000=50.1\% \times 5000 = 5. Therefore, the probability that the woman is the killer based solely on the blood type match is 1/5=0.21/5 = 0.2.

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