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青州's Question
Posted 9 months ago


Assume the following enzymatic reaction scheme of reversible competitive inhibition:
\mathrm{E}+\mathrm{I} \stackrel{k_{i}}{\rightleftharpoons} \mathrm{EI}

Assuming elementary reactions and that reactions are fast in both directions so that the reaction is at equilibrium at all times (Michaelis-Menten), prove that the rate of product production is given by the following formula:
r_{p}=\frac{k_{2} C_{m} C_{s}}{C_{1}+k_{m}\left(1+\frac{C_{i}}{k_{1}}\right)}


and k1k_{1} and k1k_{-1} are synthesis and dissociation constants respectively of the intermediate complex ES. k1k_{1} is the enzyme complex dissociation constant. k2k_{2} synthesis constant of the product P(Ce0\mathrm{P}\left(C_{e 0}\right. is the initial enzyme concentration and Cn,CiC_{n}, C_{i} are the substrate and inhibitor concentrations respectively, in steady state).
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Answer from Sia
Posted 9 months ago
Define Michaelis-Menten kinetics for the system: Michaelis-Menten kinetics describes the rate of enzymatic reactions where a substrate S is converted to a product P by an enzyme E. The formation of the enzyme-substrate complex ES is a key step
Write the equilibrium expressions: For the enzyme-substrate complex and the enzyme-inhibitor complex, the equilibrium expressions are given by Km=k1k1K_m = \frac{k_{-1}}{k_1} for ES and Ki=k3k3K_i = \frac{k_{-3}}{k_3} for EI
Apply the steady-state assumption: The steady-state assumption implies that the concentration of the enzyme-substrate complex ES is constant over time, which leads to the Michaelis-Menten equation
Derive the modified Michaelis-Menten equation: Considering competitive inhibition, the presence of the inhibitor affects the availability of the enzyme to bind to the substrate. The modified equation accounts for the inhibitor by adding a term that includes the inhibitor concentration CiC_i and its dissociation constant KiK_i
Express the rate of product formation: The rate of product formation rpr_p is proportional to the concentration of the ES complex and the rate constant k2k_2. Using the modified Michaelis-Menten equation, express rpr_p in terms of k2k_2, CE0C_{E0}, CSC_S, CIC_I, KmK_m, and KiK_i
Solve for $r_p$: By substituting the expressions for KmK_m and KiK_i into the modified Michaelis-Menten equation, solve for rpr_p to obtain the given formula
The rate of product formation in the presence of a competitive inhibitor is given by the formula rp=k2CE0CSKm(1+CIKi)+CSr_p = \frac{k_2 C_{E0} C_S}{K_m(1 + \frac{C_I}{K_i}) + C_S}, where Km=k1k1K_m = \frac{k_{-1}}{k_1} and Ki=k3k3K_i = \frac{k_{-3}}{k_3}.
Key Concept
The key concept is understanding the Michaelis-Menten kinetics and how it is modified in the presence of a competitive inhibitor.
The explanation involves applying the steady-state assumption to derive the rate of product formation, which is affected by the presence of an inhibitor that competes with the substrate for the enzyme binding site.

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