According to a report from the United States Environmental Protection Agency, burning one gallon of gasoline typically emits about of . A fuel company wants to test a new type of gasoline designed to have lower emissions. Here are their hypotheses:
(where is the mean amount of emitted by burning one gallon of this new gasoline).
Which of the following would be a Type II error in this setting?
Choose 1 answer:
(A) The mean amount of emitted by the new fuel is actually , and they conclude it is lower than .
(B) The mean amount of emitted by the new fuel is actually lower than , and they fail to conclude it is lower than .
(C) The mean amount of emitted by the new fuel is actually , and they fail to conclude it is lower than .
(D) The mean amount of emitted by the new fuel is actually lower than , and they conclude it is lower than .
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