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Posted 4 months ago

According to the quantity theory of money, what happens if the money supply increases by 10%10 \% if the current rate of unemployment is equal to the natural rate of unemployment?

Choose 1 answer:
(A) The price level increases by 5%5 \% and real output increases by 5%5 \%
(B) Real output increases more than the increase in the price level
(C) Real output increases 10%10 \%
(D) Real output and the velocity of money both increase
() The price level increases by 10%10 \%
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Answer from Sia
Posted 4 months ago
Solution by Steps
step 1
According to the quantity theory of money, the equation is given by MV=PY MV = PY , where M M is the money supply, V V is the velocity of money, P P is the price level, and Y Y is the real output
step 2
When the current rate of unemployment is equal to the natural rate of unemployment, the economy is at full employment, meaning that real output Y Y is at its potential level and does not change with changes in the money supply
step 3
Given that V V (velocity of money) is constant, an increase in the money supply M M by 10% will lead to a proportional increase in the price level P P by 10%, since Y Y remains unchanged
Key Concept
Quantity Theory of Money
According to the quantity theory of money, if the money supply increases by 10% and the economy is at full employment (natural rate of unemployment), the price level will increase by 10% while real output remains unchanged.

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