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Posted 9 months ago

After the final step where you add NaCl\mathrm{NaCl} and centrifuge, where is your phycoprotein (pellet or supernatant) ??
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Answer from Sia
Posted 9 months ago
The phycoprotein will be in the pellet after adding NaCl\mathrm{NaCl} and centrifuging.
Salt addition and centrifugation: Adding NaCl\mathrm{NaCl} increases the ionic strength of the solution, causing proteins to precipitate out of the solution. Centrifugation then separates the precipitated proteins (pellet) from the dissolved substances (supernatant)
Key Concept
Protein precipitation and separation
When NaCl\mathrm{NaCl} is added to the solution containing phycoproteins, it causes the proteins to aggregate and precipitate. Upon centrifugation, these proteins form a pellet at the bottom of the centrifuge tube, while the soluble substances remain in the supernat

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