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Posted 4 months ago

Alejandro owns a restaurant where he sells pizza by the slice. He wonders if customers prefer their pepperoni on top of the cheese or under the cheese. Every day for a week, he prepares both types of pizza. Every time a customer orders a slice of pepperoni pizza, he flips a coin to determine whether he'll give the customer a slice with pepperoni on top or under the cheese.

He then asked each customer to rate their pizza. At the end of the week, he found that customers who received pepperoni on top rated their pizza significantly better on average than customers who received pepperoni under the cheese.

What conclusion can they draw from this study?
Choose 1 answer:
(A) Customer ratings caused the difference in pepperoni placement.
(B) Pepperoni placement caused the difference in customer ratings
(C) Any customer would prefer pepperoni on top of the cheese.
(D) Any other pizza restaurant should put their pepperoni on top of the cheese.
(E) There was an association between pepperoni placement and customer rating, but it's not necessarily a causal relationship.
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Answer from Sia
Posted 4 months ago
Solution by Steps
step 1
Review the information provided by the study and the possible conclusions
step 2
Identify the cause-and-effect relationship in the study
step 3
Evaluate the validity of each conclusion based on the study's design and results
step 4
Choose the conclusion that best fits the evidence provided by the study
1 Answer
(E) There was an association between pepperoni placement and customer rating, but it's not necessarily a causal relationship.
Key Concept
Association vs. Causation
The study shows an association between pepperoni placement and customer ratings, but without further evidence, we cannot conclude a direct cause-and-effect relationship. Other variables could influence the ratings.

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