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World History
Posted 5 months ago
All of the following statements about the Black Panther Party are true EXCEPT:
O the Black Panther Party advocated armed self defense in response to police brutality.
O the Black Panther Party rejected the idea of black self-determination.
O the Black Panther Party was founded in Oakland, California.
O the Black Panther Party demanded the release of black prisoners.
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Answer from Sia
Posted 5 months ago
The Black Panther Party rejected the idea of black self-determination.
Key Concept
Black Self-Determination and the Black Panther Party
The Black Panther Party, founded in 1966 by Huey P. Newton and Bobby Seale, was a revolutionary organization that indeed advocated for black self-determination. This means they supported the idea that African Americans should have the right and power to control their own political and social destiny. The statement that the Black Panther Party rejected the idea of black self-determination is false; in fact, self-determination was a core principle of their platform, as outlined in their Ten-Point Program. The other statements provided are true: the party did advocate armed self-defense against police brutality, was founded in Oakland, California, and demanded the release of black prisoners, among other social justice issues.

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