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Posted 5 months ago
All of the following statements are correct EXCEPT:
Spines reduce the fitness of lake species because of the presence of dragonfly larvae predators that grab the spines.
Stickleback fish were originally a marine species but some evolved to survive in freshwater when they became trapped in lakes formed by receding glaciers.
As the freshwater stickleback fish species evolved, they were different from the ancestral marine species in coloration, body size and skeletal features.
Bony plates and sharp spines increase fitness in the marine species because these make it hard for predators to swallow the fish.
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Answer from Sia
Posted 5 months ago
Key Concept
Predator-prey interactions and fitness
Spines can actually increase the fitness of lake species by making them more difficult for predators like dragonfly larvae to consume, not reduce it.

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