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Posted 5 months ago

An economy is always operating at a point on which of the following curves?

Choose 1 answer:
(A) Long-run Phillips curve (LRPC)
(B) Long-run aggregate supply curve (LRAS)
(c) At the intersection of the short-run Phillips curve (SRPC) and the long-run Phillips curve (LRPC)
(D) Short-run Phillips curve (SRPC)
(E) Production Possibilities curve (PPC)
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Answer from Sia
Posted 5 months ago
Solution by Steps
step 1
Identify the key economic curves mentioned in the question: Long-run Phillips curve (LRPC), Long-run aggregate supply curve (LRAS), Short-run Phillips curve (SRPC), and Production Possibilities curve (PPC)
step 2
Understand the context: The question asks about the curve on which an economy is always operating
step 3
Analyze each option: - (A) LRPC: Represents the relationship between inflation and unemployment in the long run. - (B) LRAS: Represents the total output an economy can produce when using all its resources efficiently. - (C) Intersection of SRPC and LRPC: Represents a specific point, not a curve. - (D) SRPC: Represents the short-term trade-off between inflation and unemployment. - (E) PPC: Represents the maximum possible output combinations of two goods that can be produced with available resources and technology
step 4
Determine which curve an economy is always operating on: The economy is always operating on the Production Possibilities curve (PPC) because it represents the maximum efficient use of resources
Key Concept
Production Possibilities Curve (PPC)
The PPC represents the maximum efficient use of resources in an economy, indicating that the economy is always operating on this curve.

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