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Posted 9 months ago

An economy is currently producing real GDP that is $500\$ 500 billion more than its full employment output. It is also experiencing an undesirable amount of inflation. Its marginal propensity to consume is 0.75 .

Assuming that this is a closed economy with no crowding out, which of the following best describes the impact that a $100\$ 100 billion increase in government spending will have on this economy?

Choose 1 answer:
(A) Aggregate demand and real output will eventually increase by only $400\$ 400 billion, and the price level will increase
(B) Aggregate demand and real output will eventually increase by only $300\$ 300 billion, and the price level will increase
(C) Aggregate demand and real output will eventually increase by only $300\$ 300 billion, and the price level will decrease
(D) Aggregate supply and real output will eventually increase by only $200\$ 200 billion, and the price level will decrease
(E) Aggregate supply and real output will eventually increase by only
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Answer from Sia
Posted 9 months ago
Solution by Steps
step 1
To determine the impact of government spending on aggregate demand, we use the government spending multiplier formula: Multiplier=11MPCMultiplier = \frac{1}{1 - MPC}, where MPC is the marginal propensity to consume
step 2
Given that the MPC is 0.75, we calculate the multiplier: Multiplier=110.75=4Multiplier = \frac{1}{1 - 0.75} = 4
step 3
To find the total change in aggregate demand, we multiply the change in government spending by the multiplier: ChangeinAggregateDemand=Multiplier×IncreaseinGovernmentSpendingChange in Aggregate Demand = Multiplier \times Increase in Government Spending
step 4
Substituting the given values: ChangeinAggregateDemand=4×$100Change in Aggregate Demand = 4 \times \$100 billion = \400400 billion
step 5
Since the economy is already above full employment output, the increase in aggregate demand will primarily affect the price level rather than real output
Key Concept∻ 
Government Spending Multiplier
The government spending multiplier is used to estimate the total impact on aggregate demand from a change in government spending, taking into account the marginal propensity to consume.

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