An experiment was performed to investigate the reaction between metal and at different concentrations. Because the ion is green, the extent of the reaction was determined using spectrophotometric analysis. Four standard solutions of were prepared by dissolving (molar mass ) in water. The absorbance of each solution was measured; the results are shown both in the table below and in the following plot of the absorbance data.
\hline Solution & {} & Absorbance \\
\hline 1 & 0.020 & 0.12 \\
\hline 2 & 0.040 & 0.25 \\
\hline 3 & 0.060 & 0.39 \\
\hline 4 & 0.080 & 0.51 \\
15. Which species is being oxidized in the reaction between metal and ?
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