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Posted 6 months ago
An individual is working outside during the summer and is not taking
time to drink fluids to replenish water lost through moderate sweating.
Explain how his body will respond to this situation to avoid dehydration.
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Answer from Sia
Posted 6 months ago
The body will initiate several physiological responses to minimize water loss and maintain hydration.
Sensing dehydration: The hypothalamus in the brain detects increased blood osmolarity due to water loss
Release of ADH: The posterior pituitary gland releases antidiuretic hormone (ADH), which signals the kidneys to reabsorb more water
Reduced urine output: The kidneys respond to ADH by concentrating urine, thus conserving water in the body
Thirst mechanism: Dehydration triggers the thirst response, prompting the individual to drink fluids
Decreased sweating: The body may reduce sweat production to minimize further water loss
Key Concept
Homeostatic regulation of water balance
The body employs a series of homeostatic mechanisms to regulate water balance and prevent dehydration, including hormone release, kidney function adjustment, and behavioral changes.

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