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Posted 5 months ago

Angle AA is circumscribed about circle OO.
What is the measure of D\angle D ?
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Answer from Sia
Posted 5 months ago
Solution by Steps
step 1
Identify the relationship between the inscribed angle and the central angle that subtends the same arc
step 2
Recognize that angle AA is an inscribed angle that subtends arc BCDBCD
step 3
Understand that the central angle OO that subtends arc BCDBCD is twice the inscribed angle AA
step 4
Calculate the measure of the central angle OO using the given measure of angle AA: O=2×A=2×80=160O = 2 \times A = 2 \times 80^\circ = 160^\circ
step 5
Note that angle DD is also a central angle that subtends arc BCBC
step 6
Realize that the sum of the central angles OO and DD that subtend the entire circle must be 360360^\circ
step 7
Calculate the measure of angle DD: D=360O=360160=200D = 360^\circ - O = 360^\circ - 160^\circ = 200^\circ
The measure of D∠D is 200200^\circ.
Key Concept
Inscribed Angle and Central Angle
The inscribed angle is half the measure of the central angle that subtends the same arc. The sum of all central angles in a circle is 360360^\circ.

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