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Posted 4 months ago

Anju tried to define a reflection.
- For any point RR on the line of reflection \ell, the image RR^{\prime} is at the same point as RR.
- For any point PP not on the line of reflection \ell, the image PP^{\prime} is on the other side of \ell such that PP\overline{P P^{\prime}} is perpendicular to \ell.

What mistake did Anju make in her definition of a reflection?
Choose 1 answer:
(A) PP\overline{P P^{\prime}} must be parallel to the line of reflection, not perpendicular.
(B) Points PP and PP^{\prime} must be the same distance from the line of reflection.
(C) Anju needed to include the direction of the reflection.
(D) Anju did not make a mistake.
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Answer from Sia
Posted 4 months ago
Solution by Steps
step 2
Identify the mistake in Anju's definition based on the properties of a reflection
step 3
A reflection across line \ell means that for any point PP not on \ell, the line segment PP\overline{P P^{\prime}} is perpendicular to \ell and bisected by \ell
step 4
Anju's definition incorrectly states the relationship between PP\overline{P P^{\prime}} and \ell
step 5
The correct property is that points PP and PP^{\prime} must be equidistant from the line of reflection \ell
1 Answer
Key Concept
Reflection in Geometry
In a reflection, every point and its image are equidistant from the line of reflection, and the line connecting a point and its image is perpendicular to the line of reflection.

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