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World History
Posted 5 months ago
Archaeologists can excavate ancient structures and burial sites and begin to infer how the people lived from fossils (like human remains) and artifacts (human-made items
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Answer from Sia
Posted 5 months ago
Archaeologists can excavate ancient structures and burial sites to infer how people lived by analyzing fossils (such as human remains) and artifacts (human-made items). These findings provide insights into the daily lives, social structures, cultural practices, and technological advancements of ancient civilizations.
Key Concept
Archaeological Evidence
Archaeological evidence, including fossils and artifacts, is crucial for understanding past human societies. Fossils can reveal information about the physical characteristics, health, and diet of ancient peoples, while artifacts can indicate their technological capabilities, trade practices, and cultural or religious beliefs. By studying these materials, archaeologists can reconstruct aspects of ancient life and contribute to our broader understanding of human history.

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