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Posted 9 months ago
Are more lipids stored in liver cells as alcohol consumption increases?
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Answer from Sia
Posted 9 months ago
Yes, more lipids are stored in liver cells as alcohol consumption increases.
Alcohol metabolism in the liver: The liver metabolizes alcohol through a process that converts ethanol to acetaldehyde, and then to acetate. This process involves the enzyme alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) and aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH). During this process, NAD⁺ is reduced to NADH
Imbalance in redox state: The increased production of NADH shifts the cellular redox state, leading to a reduction in the oxidation of fatty acids and an increase in the synthesis of lipids
Lipid accumulation: As a result of the altered redox state and the decreased oxidation of fatty acids, lipids begin to accumulate in the liver cells, a condition known as hepatic steatosis or fatty liver
Key Concept
Hepatic lipid accumulation due to alcohol consumption
Alcohol metabolism in the liver leads to an increased NADH/NAD⁺ ratio, which favors lipid synthesis over oxidation, resulting in the accumulation of lipids in liver cells.

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