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Posted 9 months ago
Are sisters chromatids present innall or part of this phase during the G2?
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Answer from Sia
Posted 9 months ago
Yes, sister chromatids are present throughout the entire G2 phase of the cell cycle.
G2 phase definition: The G2 phase is the period in the cell cycle from the completion of DNA synthesis (S phase) to the beginning of cell division (mitosis)
Presence of sister chromatids: During the S phase, DNA replication occurs, resulting in the formation of sister chromatids for each chromosome. These sister chromatids remain attached to each other through the G2 phase
Key Concept
Sister chromatids
Sister chromatids are two identical copies of a single replicated chromosome that are connected by a centromere. They are formed during the S phase and remain together throughout the G2 phase until they are separated during mitosis.

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