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Posted 4 months ago
Assuming complete penetrance, what is the most likely mode of inheritance of this rare disease?
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Answer from Sia
Posted 4 months ago
The most likely mode of inheritance of this rare disease, assuming complete penetrance, is autosomal recessive.
Complete penetrance implies that individuals who inherit the disease allele(s) will express the disease phenotype
Rarity of the disease suggests that it is not common in the population, which is often the case with autosomal recessive diseases, as two copies of the rare allele are needed for the phenotype to be expressed
If the disease were autosomal dominant, it would likely be more common and observed in every generation, as only one copy of the allele would be necessary to express the disease
The probability of being a carrier for an autosomal recessive condition is higher than the probability of being affected, which explains the presence of carriers in the population and the rarity of the disease's expression
Key Concept
Autosomal recessive inheritance
In autosomal recessive inheritance, a rare disease manifests in individuals who have two copies of a recessive allele, which is consistent with the disease's rarity and the assumption of complete penetrance.

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