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World History
Posted 5 months ago
Because the Europeans were unfamiliar with the climate and crops, they ended up using _________ to work the fields, because other groups of people did not work out.
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Answer from Sia
Posted 5 months ago
Here is your solution:

When Europeans began establishing colonies in the Americas, they were indeed unfamiliar with the new environment, including the climate and crops. This lack of familiarity made it difficult for them to effectively manage agricultural production.

Initially, Europeans attempted to enslave and use the indigenous populations to work the fields. However, due to a combination of resistance, unfamiliarity with European agricultural techniques, and devastating epidemics brought by the Europeans, which drastically reduced the native population, this did not prove sustainable.

Consequently, Europeans turned to the transatlantic slave trade to meet their labor needs. Africans were forcibly brought to the Americas and enslaved to work on plantations. They were chosen because they were immune to many European diseases, had experience with similar climates and agricultural practices, and could not easily escape and blend in with the local populations due to their distinct appearance.
Because the Europeans were unfamiliar with the climate and crops, they ended up using enslaved Africans to work the fields, because other groups of people did not work out.
Key Concept
The transatlantic slave trade and the use of African slave labor in European colonies in the Americas
The Europeans' unfamiliarity with the New World's environment led them to rely on African slaves for labor, which became a central element of the colonial agricultural economy and had profound consequences for the history of the Americas.

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