Below are and . We assume that , , and .
Here is a rough outline of a proof that :
1. We can map using a sequence of rigid transformations so that and . Show drawing.
2. If and are on the same side of , then . Show drawing.
3. If and are on opposite sides of , then we reflect across and then and . Show drawing.
Answer two questions about this proof.
1) How did we show that the triangles were congruent?
Choose 1 answer:
(A) We mapped one figure onto the other using rigid transformations.
(B) We mapped one figure onto the other using any kind of transformations.
(C) We showed that all corresponding sides had equal lengths and all corresponding angles had equal measures.
2) What triangles did we show are congruent?
Choose 1 answer:
(A) Triangles where 2 pairs of corresponding angles have the same measure, and the included corresponding sides have the same length
(B) Triangles where 2 pairs of corresponding angles have the same measure
(C) All triangles
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