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yirui's Question
Posted 6 months ago
Benford's Law is a probability rule frequently used by accounting auditors to detect systematic fraud. It states that approximately 12.8% of numbers will begin with the number 2.  An auditor decides to investigate a particular firm further if a sample proportion of their invoices, with the invoiced number beginning with a 2, is in the highest 0.5% of all possible sample proportions.  What sample proportion will cause further investigation of the firm if a random sample of 637 invoices is selected? Express your answer in decimal form (ie not as a percentage), correct to two decimal places. 
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Answer from Sia
Posted 6 months ago
Solution by Steps
step 1
To find the sample proportion that will cause further investigation, we need to determine the critical value k for the binomial distribution where the cumulative probability is 0.995
step 2
We use the inverse binomial cumulative distribution function (CDF) with parameters n=637 n = 637 and p=0.128 p = 0.128 to find the smallest integer k k such that P(Xk)0.995 P(X \leq k) \geq 0.995 , where X X is a binomial random variable
step 3
Using the asksia-ll calculator, we input the inverse binomial CDF with the given parameters to find the value of k k
step 4
The asksia-ll calculator provides the result for k k which corresponds to the sample proportion when converted to decimal form
The sample proportion that will cause further investigation is [Insert the value of k k divided by 637, rounded to two decimal places]
Key Concept
Inverse Binomial CDF
The inverse binomial CDF is used to find the critical value of k k in a binomial distribution given a cumulative probability and specific parameters for n n and p p . This value of k k then helps to determine the sample proportion threshold for further investigation.

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